
Slideshow Settings

Using global settings you can set settings for slideshow that will be used by default for each page/post. You can set such settings as autoplay, pause, nevigation arrows, slideshow height, etc.
To edit slideshow settings navigate to Theme Options -> Slideshow page at your Dashboard.


Using global settings you can set settings for slideshow that will be used by default for each page/post. So it is best to create global slideshow if you want to have same slideshow on every page of your website. But if you want to create different slideshow for different pages then you need to disbale slideshow in this settings and set it localy for each page/post.

If you set slideshow localy in page settings, global slideshow options like category, how many slides to display, timeout, speed, etc. will be ignored and used from local page settings.
To make global settings work you need to make sure that, for example, slideshow type in page/posts settings is set to Use global.

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Basic Slideshow Settings

To make slideshow work you need to set slideshow type and category. Our theme comes only with two slideshow types or custom Jcycle slideshow & Revolution, third option is to disbale slideshow.
For Revolutions slideshow, you can choose which of slideshows to use. All other options at this page is fo JCycle slideshow only. To setup Revolution Slider navigate to Dashboard -> Revolution Slider
For JCycle slideshow you need to choose what category to use and set how many slides to display. But note that all of these settings will be set only for global slideshow.

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Slideshow Timeout and Speed

Here you can set slideshow transition speed (speed of animation) and slideshow timeout (how long it will wait before switch to the next slide).

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Slideshow Pause and Autoplay

Set slideshow pause to “On” if you want slideshow to be paused when you roll mouse over slideshow.
You can also turn on/off slideshow autoplay.

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Setting added in v 1.4 of our theme

Next, Previous navigation arrows

You can choose whether to show navigation arrows in slideshow or not. Arrows will be displayed only for high resolutions and will be replaced for devices.

Slideshow fixed height

Now you can make fixed height for slideshow easily by setting it height in pixels.

Remove top and bottom paddings from slideshow

This option is for those who don’t like to waste space.

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Slideshow Slugs

You can set custom slugs for slideshow post and taxonomies.

Other slideshow settings can be set when you create slides.

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